art photographer Lara Zankoul
in collaboration Stephanie El Hajj
Nothing is impossible if you decide to put your potential and hard work into making it happen. People’s perception of you is their point of view, you cannot control it.
Art can be translated in so many ways, but it reflects what you as an artist want to say. And she says a lot.
We couldn’t think about a better talented person to be our photographer collaborator, Lara Zankoul. My talented and creative friend in every inspiring way. Lara is a successful artist with her art published everywhere, from galleries to book covers to inspirational visuals all over the internet.
Known for her abstract random artistic vision, I couldn’t think of a better person to reflect my approach. Our research about the topic, about feminism, led to a conversation about the resemblance between women and nature. Before quarantine we met with Lara to talk about the topic, and it happened that she has done before some art photography that haven’t been published before and she showed us the beautiful flower pictures. I was obsessed and asked her to have them for our magazine. She generously agreed, and so we did our back cover. We take back covers very seriously in ACT.
During the alone time in quarantine we all went through, me and Lara talked over video and phone calls about the importance of women representation, and the idea behind everything we do.
Check the full ART Photoshoot in ACT Magazine - Issue Number 2 - July 2020