A Lebanese Mexican artist who produces her shows, directs them, cares about the details, from her music to the lighting to the outfit she wears. A hard working woman putting everything into the art she produces. Blu is such an inspiration to every woman and man, every person who thinks that everything is a given or that life choices and careers are to be taken for granted. They are not. It takes a lot to be where she is right now, so many long nights of hard work, and meticulous choices. Nothing is for granted especially not careers in entertainment business.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020

Lara Zankoul - BLOOM
Lara is a successful artist with her art published everywhere, from galleries to book covers to inspirational visuals all over the internet. Known for her abstract random artistic vision, I couldn’t think of a better person to reflect my approach. My research about the topic, about feminism, led to a conversation about the resemblance between women and nature.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020

Jana, A passionate person about dance and movement, also about cinema and visuals. An entrepreneur, managing her dance company BCB with her partner (Jens Bjerregaard– who wrote the article for this issue) and balancing her daily life, is the perfect example of modern women who knows what she wants and how she can get it.
We had a beautiful shoot with Jana and four dancers from (BCB – Beirut Contemporary Ballet). The visual I had in mind was to present the dancers in an abstract way, without focusing on the gender, with more attention to the movement and action taking place. A beautiful sensual musical dancing day. And it turned out exactly how we wanted it to be.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020
Are we born to be different?
Tracey Massoud is the cover girl of our first issue. We appreciate everything she does, all the hard work and the conversations she has about different topics. We shared the same opinion about feminism and women’s rights.
Tracey is an inspiration. During lockdown, Tracey took nice selfies and pictures at home that we collaged and edited.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020
Maya celebrated her 50th birthday anniversary, last year, and as we talked about it, she told Us that for so long she wanted to be a singer. She loves to perform. She chose to raise her family, and back in the day, it was hard to have a career in the war. We wanted her to share her story, to talk about the life choices we make and how much our life call is something we need to follow, even at 50 years old.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020
Sally Travels To Paris
Sally compares her adventures when traveling for a couples retreat and friends getaway, both to Paris. She describes the differences and how the traveling partner effects your trip, we found it interesting as a subject because we always wondered about traveling with friends or partners, and she confirmed.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020
Woman Empowerment
Arwa, a Health and welness coach, mom and zen enthousiatic person, talks about the importance of having a positive mindset when raising our daughters, sisters, women around us, to have confidence, a certain mindset towards life and the choices they make. Society can project so many insecurities, and you should be ready and prepared.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020

Illustration story by Maelene Loaec
A Women empowerment Illustration story.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 2 - July 2020
Samantha Ayoub
Samantha Ayoub - one of the most talented and respected SFX artists collaborated with ACT Creative Studios along side Tracey Massoud, most warm, welcoming beautiful soul. The concept Shoot became ACT Studios front cover!
ACT Magazine Issue Number 1 - February 2020
Zeina Makki
Zeina Makki, A talented Actress and producer talks first hand about her struggles and preparing for a role; the role of Youmna from part two of her latest hit Arabic Series.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 1 - February 2020
Jana G. Younes
Jana, a professional contemporary dancer, describes how to use movement in a sentence.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 1 - February 2020

Sally Travels To Zanzibar
Get inspired by Sally's Travel Adventures in Zanzibar.
ACT Magazine Issue Number . - February 2020
Nadine W. Njeim
Feminist or Not, Nadine sheds light on todays most relevant social struggles as woman rights and equality of the sexes in the Middle East.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 1 - February 2020

Sultana The Queen - One of the Middle east most talented Drag Queens. Hop on the magic carpet on an oriental mystical trip of nostalgia and a queer child struggle of acceptance.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 1 - February 2020

Maëlane Loaec
Illustration art by Maelane, the story behind the story LUUUXXE
ACT Magazine Issue Number 1 - February 2020
Nastia, A single mother of four beautiful kids, shares her story; She dips into her past of struggles and explains her "Success Story" that lifted her soul from rags to riches.
ACT Magazine Issue Number 1 - February 2020
LUX, One of the top Drag Queens in the Middle East takes us on a spiritual trip of temptations and Sin.
Issue Number 1 - February 2020